NextGenBUG email list
The NextGenBUG mailing list is an unmoderated forum for exchange of ideas, job postings and event announcements. To join (moderated) you can:
- send us an e-mail
- visit
Organising and hosting committee (to be finalised mid-2021)
- Nathan Medd and Urmi Trivedi (Edinburgh Genomics, University of Edinburgh)
- Alison Meynert (IGC, University of Edinburgh)
- Barbara Shih and Toby Wilkinson (Roslin Institute)
- John Cole (University of Glasgow)
- Leighton Pritchard (University of Strathclyde)
- Elaina Collie-Duguid (Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine, University of Aberdeen)
- David Martin (University of Dundee)
- Peter Cock (Hutton Institute, Dundee)
- Peter Thorpe (University of St Andrews)
- Nick Schurch (BioSS)