NextGenBUG meetings are open to all, and there is no charge for attendance. We especially welcome early stage researchers and newcomers to genome informatics.
NextGenBUG meetings are put together by the local organiser and the community. We try to ensure that there is a speaker of international stature invited for each meeting, but the remainder of the meeting is open for talks volunteered from the community. If you want to speak at a meeting, get in touch with the organiser give them the title of your talk. We usually allocate 15 min for talks, and 5 min for discussion - so if you need more time, ask us ( NextGenBUG is a great venue to practice for big meeting talks, present ideas you are working on, and introduce the community to new ideas and approaches.
Commercial / industrial speakers are welcome, but please do ensure you present research information and not just a sales pitch. We welcome commercial sponsorship: please contact us at
We encourage all speakers to upload their presentations to the NextGenBUG F1000 Research Channel.
Next meeting
Meeting | Day | Year | Institute | City | Host(s) | Registraion/info |
Sixty-fifth meeting | 30 May | 2024 | Edinburgh Genomics | Edinburgh | Urmi Trivedi | Here |
Past meetings
Meeting | Month | Year | Institute | City |
Sixty-fourth meeting | October | 2023 | Edinburgh Genomics | Edinburgh |
Sixty-third meeting | October | 2022 | Edinburgh Genomics | Edinburgh |
Sixty-second meeting | April | 2021 | Edinburgh Genomics (online) | Edinburgh |
Sixty-first meeting | December | 2018 | Centre for Genome Enabled Biology & Medicine | Aberdeen |
Sixtieth meeting | October | 2018 | IGMM | Edinburgh |
Fifty-ninth meeting | August | 2018 | NA | NA |
Fifty-eight meeting | June | 2018 | NA | NA |
Fifty-seventh meeting | April | 2018 | Centre for Virus Research | Glasgow |
Fifty-sixth meeting | February | 2018 | School of Informatics | Edinburgh |
Fifty-fifth meeting | December 12 | 2017 | University of Dundee | Dundee |
Fifty-fourth meeting | October 10 | 2017 | IGMM | Edinburgh |
Fifty-third meeting | August 8 | 2017 | University of St Andrews | St Andrews |
Fifty-second meeting | May 12 | 2017 | Centre for Genome Enabled Biology & Medicine | Aberdeen |
Fifty-first meeting | February 14 | 2017 | Centre for Virus Research | Glasgow |
Fiftieth meeting | December 6 | 2016 | Edinburgh Genomics | Edinburgh |
Forty-ninth meeting | October 11 | 2016 | James Hutton Institute | Dundee |
Forty-eighth meeting | August 16 | 2016 | Institute of Cancer Sciences | Glasgow |
Forty-seventh meeting | June 16 | 2016 | University of St Andrews | St Andrews |
Forty-sixth meeting | April 26 | 2016 | Roslin Institute | Edinburgh |
Forty-fifth meeting | February 23 | 2016 | Edinburgh Genomics | Edinburgh |
Forty-fourth meeting | December 8 | 2015 | Edinburgh Genomics | Edinburgh |
Forty-third meeting | October 28 | 2015 | University of Dundee | Dundee |
Forty-second meeting | August 14 | 2015 | IGMM | Edinburgh |
Forty-first meeting | June 30 | 2015 | University of Aberdeen | Aberdeen |
Fortieth meeting | April 14 | 2015 | Edinburgh Genomics | Edinburgh |
Thirty-ninth meeting | February 3 | 2015 | James Hutton Institute | Dundee |
Thirty-eighth meeting | December 8 | 2014 | University of St Andrews | St Andrews |
Thirty-seventh meeting | October 15 | 2014 | Edinburgh Genomics | Edinburgh |
Thirty-sixth meeting | June 9 | 2014 | University of Dundee | Dundee |
Thirty-fifth meeting | April 1 | 2014 | University of Aberdeen | Aberdeen |
Thirty-fourth meeting | February 4 | 2014 | Glasgow Polyomics | Glasgow |
Thirty-third meeting | November 6 | 2013 | University of Strathclyde | Glasgow |
Thirty-second meeting | October 1 | 2013 | Ashworth Laboratories | Edinburgh |
Thirty-first meeting | June 10 | 2013 | The Roslin Institute | Edinburgh |
Thirtieth meeting | April 2 | 2013 | College of Life Sciences | Dundee |
Twenty ninth meeting | February 12 | 2013 | Gillmore Hill Campus | Glasgow |
Twenty eighth meeting | December 10 | 2012 | Swann Building | Edinburgh |
Twenty seventh meeting | November 13 | 2012 | Institute of Medical Sciences | Aberdeen |
Twenty sixth meeting | September 4 | 2012 | James Hutton Institute | Dundee |
Twenty fifth meeting | July 3 | 2012 | Roslin Institute | Edinburgh |
Twenty fourth meeting | May 2 | 2012 | Gillmore Hill Campus | Glasgow |
Twenty-third meeting | February 9 | 2012 | University of Dundee | Dundee |
Twenty-second meeting | November 9 | 2011 | Ashworth Labs | Edinburgh |
Twenty-first meeting | September 14 | 2011 | MRC Human Genetis Unit | Edinburgh |
Twentieth meeting | July 12 | 2011 | Roslin Institute | Edinburgh |
Nineteenth meeting | May 10 | 2011 | Gillmore Hill Campus | Glasgow |
Eighteenth meeting | March 14 | 2011 | e-Science Institute | Edinburgh |
Seventeenth meeting | January 18 | 2011 | College of Life Sciences | Dundee |
Sixteenth meeting | November 02 | 2010 | NeSC | Edinburgh |
Assembly workshop | November 01-02 | 2010 | NeSC | Edinburgh |
Fifteenth meeting | September 07 | 2010 | Gillmore Hill Campus | Glasgow |
Fourteenth meeting | June 01 | 2010 | Institute of Medical Sciences | Aberdeen |
Thirteenth meeting | April 06 | 2010 | e-Science Institute | Edinburgh |
Twelfth meeting | February 09 | 2010 | College of Life Sciences | Dundee |
Eleventh meeting | December 01 | 2009 | e-Science Institute | Edinburgh |
Tenth meeting | October 06 | 2009 | Rowett Institute | Aberdeen |
Ninth meeting | August 04 | 2009 | Institute of Virology | Glasgow |
Eighth meeting | June 02 | 2009 | Scottish Crop Research Institute | Dundee |
Seventh meeting | April 7 | 2009 | Ashworth Labs | Edinburgh |
Sixth meeting | February 10 | 2009 | Wolfson Medical Building | Glasgow |
Fifth meeting | December 2 | 2008 | College of Life Sciences | Dundee |
Fourth meeting | October 7 | 2008 | Moredun Institute | Edinburgh |
Third meeting | August 5 | 2008 | Ashworth Labs | Edinburgh |
Second meeting | June 3 | 2008 | Western General Hospital | Edinburgh |
First meeting | April 1 | 2008 | Ashworth Labs | Edinburgh |